With the continuous emergence of new medical technologies and new surgical tools, the number of operations has increased rapidly. Moreover, the operating room is the product of the combination of medical technology and engineering technology. What are the requirements of the operating room and the principles of infection control in the operating room?
Operating room requirements

The operating room is one of the places in the hospital with strict aseptic and clean requirements. The construction, layout, work flow and management of the operating room are designed around the aseptic requirements.
The operating room is also a department with dense medical equipment. In addition to the operating table and shadowless lamp, anesthesia machine, monitoring, electric knife, autologous blood recovery machine, operating microscope and imaging system have become common equipment for surgery. With the development of technology, new surgical tools are constantly emerging, such as various soft and hard endoscopic surgery, navigation equipment, stereo positioning system, surgical robot and other minimally invasive surgical auxiliary equipment. So many equipment are crowded in the operating room, which puts forward higher requirements for equipment layout, installation, power distribution and power safety.
In addition, some of the catheter rooms and cystoscopy rooms scattered in various hospitals are also quasi operating rooms established according to the requirements of operating rooms. In particular, the catheter rooms involved in the treatment are basically managed and used in strict accordance with the specifications of the operating room. In a broad sense, these departments are also expanded operating rooms. These quasi operating rooms are built in the old hospital in a timely manner. The new hospital should comprehensively consider the layout between these departments and the conventional operating rooms.

Principles of infection control in operating room
Preventing and reducing surgical infection is a very basic requirement for the construction of the operating room. The methods of infection control include:
(1) Through preoperative skin preparation and aseptic coverage of non-surgical areas during the operation, the patient's self infection can be reduced; (2) Strictly disinfect or isolate surgical instruments and articles to reduce external contact infection; (3) Reduce the dust and microbial particles in the air and reduce the diffusion and infection of suspended pollutants; (4) Use antibiotics. This is a remedial measure that relies on drugs to control the infection that has occurred.
At present, the common problem in our country is that we only pay attention to the prevention of infection results and neglect the whole process control of infection. The clinical manifestation is to rely on a large number of antibiotics to reduce the postoperative infection rate, while the aseptic process of the operation lacks strict control.
In order to reduce the abuse of antibiotics, it is necessary to improve the cleanliness level of the operating room, strictly control the aseptic operation and treatment, strengthen the control of the whole operation process, cut off all possible pollution channels (including air), and prevent bacteria from contacting the surgical wound and entering the human body.

TDA-6C型悬浮粒子发生器是便携式Laskin nozzle喷射型产尘仪可以在气流流量从50到2000立方英尺每分钟的气流中产生次微米且浓度在10 到 100微克每升的悬浮粒子
TDA-6C Aerosol Generator
1, TDA-6C气溶胶发生器产品特点:
1.1 气流范围广(50-2,000CFM)
1.2 Laskin Nozzle 喷射产尘
2, TDA-6C气溶胶发生器应用
2.1 洁净工作台
2.2 洁净房
2.3 HVAC系统
2.4 HEPA过滤器
2.5 ULPA过滤器
2.6 手术室
2.7 核子过滤系统
2.8 汇集保护过滤器
2.9 研究与发展
3, TDA-6C气溶胶发生器产品介绍:
TDA-6C气溶胶发生器是便携式Laskin nozzle喷射型产尘仪可以在气流流量从50到2000立方英尺每分钟的气流中产生次微米且浓度在10 到 100微克每升的悬浮粒子.所有的Laskin nozzle喷射型产尘仪都采用耐用的不锈钢结构,大的填充口,独立的喷嘴控制,压力控制和3"标准的清洁接头输出.一个可选的适配器可使悬浮粒子导入正压系统.无论您什么测试需要,我们都会有一款符合您的要求.
TDA-6C气溶胶发生器是最近设计的耐用的,轻便的Laskin nozzle产尘仪.TDA-6C是一个独立的产尘仪仅仅只需要一个合适的电压源供应便可产生多分散的次微米悬浮粒子.
TDA-6C气溶胶发生器有6个Laskin nozzle喷嘴.当它在20 psig压力时整个输出被200立方英尺的空气稀释,气体的浓度接近100 微克每升.内置的调节阀可以调节在2个喷嘴或6个喷嘴去产尘,提供一个宽范围的气体浓度.
4, TDA-6C气溶胶发生器技术参数:
4.1 空气悬浮粒子输出范围: 50 - 2,000立方英尺每分钟
4.2 悬浮粒子浓度 100微克 / 升在 200 立方英尺每分钟流量时
4.3 悬浮粒子浓度 10微克 / 升在2,000立方英尺每分钟时流量时
4.4 产生类型 2到6个 Laskin Nozzle 喷头
4.5 压缩空气 不需要,已有内置压缩机
4.6 气体类型 多种直径的粒子 (冷)
4.7 尺寸 (54cm L 28cm W 20cm H)
4.8 重量 25 KG
4.9 电源 120 VAC / 60 Hz 或 220 VAC / 50hz